ADHD Self-Test: Is Your Brain a Superhero?

ADHD Self-Test: Is Your Brain a Superhero?

Welcome to our ADHD self-test, where we invite you to explore the quirks of your brain with a splash of humour! This lighthearted quiz is designed for those curious about ADHD, whether for themselves or someone they care about. Remember, this is not an official test, just a fun way to indicate potential traits of ADHD. With many of the world’s most creative and competent thought leaders are believed to have ADHD, let’s see if your brain is a superhero!

Why Are We Doing This?
Whether you’re wondering about your own tendencies or trying to understand a partner, parent, or friend better, this ADHD self-test is here to help! We believe that understanding the quirks of ADHD can lead to greater empathy, connection, and maybe even a few laughs along the way. So grab a cuppa, settle in, and let’s see if your brain is indeed a superhero!

Instructions: Answer each question with a “Yes” or “No.” At the end, tally your points and see how you measure up!

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ADHD Self-Test Is Your Brain a Superhero Herbal Biohacker

ADHD Self-Test Questions

Part One

  1. You’re in a meeting that could have been an email. Your mind starts to wander. What’s going through your head?
    • A) How many snacks can I sneak in without anyone noticing? (3 points)
    • B) Did I leave the oven on? (0 points)
    • C) I bet I could totally run a marathon right now! (2 points)
    • D) What if I just stood up and started a conga line? (1 point)
  2. Your workspace looks like a creative tornado has hit. What do you think?
    • A) It’s a masterpiece of organised chaos! (3 points)
    • B) I really should clean this up… later. (0 points)
    • C) What if I built a fort out of these papers? (2 points)
    • D) I need to find that sandwich I made last week… (1 point)
  3. You’ve started five different hobbies this month. How’s that going?
    • A) I’m an expert in none and still working on all! (3 points)
    • B) I finished one. Oh wait, what was it? (0 points)
    • C) Hobby? I thought I was just collecting supplies! (2 points)
    • D) I’ve moved on to planning my next hobby! (1 point)
  4. You can’t find your keys for the tenth time this week. What’s your reaction?
    • A) They must have joined the circus! (2 points)
    • B) I’ll just use my spare pair… somewhere. (0 points)
    • C) I’ll create a treasure map for the next search. (1 point)
    • D) They’re probably hiding from me at this point. (3 points)
  5. You’re at a party and can’t resist jumping into a conversation about…
    • A) The intricacies of sandwich-making. (3 points)
    • B) What’s on telly? (0 points)
    • C) How cats are secretly plotting world domination. (2 points)
    • D) The best way to convince people to have a dance-off. (1 point)
  6. It’s movie night, but you keep checking your phone. What’s your excuse?
    • A) I’m just checking for the secret message from the universe. (3 points)
    • B) I’m making sure I don’t miss a text from… someone. (0 points)
    • C) What if I miss a cat video that will change my life? (2 points)
    • D) Can I non-stop watch this show while I scroll? (1 point)
  7. You’ve decided to focus on an important task, but your mind keeps drifting. What do you do?
    • A) I’ll just take a five-hour break. (3 points)
    • B) Maybe I’ll just stare at the wall for inspiration? (0 points)
    • C) Time for a snack break—brain food! (2 points)
    • D) How many ways can I procrastinate creatively? (1 point)
  8. Your friend tells you a long story, but you can’t help thinking…
    • A) How many snacks I can consume during this tale? (3 points)
    • B) I should really be paying more attention. (0 points)
    • C) I bet this story could use a plot twist. (2 points)
    • D) I wonder if I can turn this into a dramatic performance. (1 point)
  9. You’re feeling bored at work. How do you spice things up?
    • A) Start an office chair race! (3 points)
    • B) Consider taking an impromptu nap. (0 points)
    • C) Organise a surprise dance party. (2 points)
    • D) Write a manifesto on why snacks are essential. (1 point)
  10. It’s time for a serious task. What do you do?
    • A) Create a playlist to motivate myself! (3 points)
    • B) Stare blankly at the wall for a while. (0 points)
    • C) Make a to-do list that’s three pages long. (2 points)
    • D) Change the subject to something completely irrelevant. (1 point)
  11. During an emotional moment, how do you react?
    • A) I might cry over a cute cat video instead! (3 points)
    • B) I’m stoic—what feelings? (0 points)
    • C) I’ll probably feel everything at once! (2 points)
    • D) Time for a dramatic monologue! (1 point)
  12. You’re about to start a new book. What’s your plan?
    • A) I’ll read ten pages, then start a new book. (3 points)
    • B) I’ll finish this one… eventually. (0 points)
    • C) I’ll read five books at the same time! (2 points)
    • D) I’ll turn it into a musical! (1 point)
  13. While waiting in line, you find your mind wandering. What do you think about?
    • A) What’s for dinner tonight? (0 points)
    • B) If I could redesign my entire life. (3 points)
    • C) How I can become a superhero in this queue. (2 points)
    • D) Whether it’s possible to train squirrels. (1 point)
  14. Your plans fall through. What’s your immediate response?
    • A) I’ll cry and eat ice cream… alone. (0 points)
    • B) Time to throw a spontaneous party! (3 points)
    • C) Let’s find a way to make this even more interesting! (2 points)
    • D) I’ll just non-stop watch my favourite series instead. (1 point)
  15. You’ve forgotten an important deadline. What’s your next move?
    • A) I’ll write a dramatic apology email. (3 points)
    • B) Panic, then hope no one notices. (0 points)
    • C) Turn it into a creative excuse! (2 points)
    • D) Plan a spectacular comeback! (1 point)
  16. You see a cat video online. How do you react?
    • A) Drop everything and watch it, obviously! (3 points)
    • B) I’ll just save it for later… (0 points)
    • C) I’ll share it with everyone, because it’s essential! (2 points)
    • D) I’ll create an entire blog about cat videos! (1 point)
  17. You’re considering a new hobby. What’s your approach?
    • A) Dive in and buy everything before researching! (3 points)
    • B) Think about it for a month before deciding. (0 points)
    • C) Create a Pinterest board with endless ideas! (2 points)
    • D) Just wing it and hope for the best! (1 point)
  18. It’s your turn to speak in a group. What’s your plan?
    • A) Share an outrageous story! (3 points)
    • B) Try to remember the points I wanted to make. (0 points)
    • C) Spontaneously sing my thoughts! (2 points)
    • D) Start a discussion about why penguins are fascinating. (1 point)
  19. You’ve just learned about a new idea that excites you. What do you do?
    • A) Jump right into action without thinking! (3 points)
    • B) Think about it but do nothing. (0 points)
    • C) Call everyone I know to share it! (2 points)
    • D) Create a five-year plan around it! (1 point)
  20. You’re asked to describe your thought process. What’s your response?
    • A) It’s like a fireworks display! (3 points)
    • B) It’s pretty boring, honestly. (0 points)
    • C) It’s all over the place—enjoy the ride! (2 points)
    • D) I can’t describe it; it’s too complex! (1 point)

Bonus Scenario Questions

  1. Imagine you’re at a party, and someone starts talking about how much they love accounting. Your inner dialogue?
    • A) This is my cue to exit gracefully! (0 points)
    • B) Can I convince them that I’m a magician instead? (3 points)
    • C) I’d rather watch paint dry. (1 point)
    • D) Maybe I should start a debate about why accountants are the real superheroes. (1 point)
  2. You’re trying to focus on a work project, but your friend keeps texting you with memes. What’s your strategy?
    • A) Respond with an even funnier meme to distract them! (2 points)
    • B) Put my phone on silent and hope for the best. (0 points)
    • C) Tell them to stop, but secretly enjoy the memes. (1 point)
    • D) Start a meme war, because why not? (3 points)
  3. You walk into a room and immediately forget why you came in. What do you do?
    • A) Stand there and hope the answer will magically appear. (0 points)
    • B) Pretend you’re on a secret mission. (2 points)
    • C) Start a dance party to remember! (3 points)
    • D) Leave and come back later, hoping for inspiration. (1 point)

Scoring Your ADHD Setlf-Test Results:

  • 0-10 Points: You might just be a well-organised wizard! While you may not have ADHD, it’s great to embrace your quirks.
  • 11-20 Points: You could have a sprinkle of ADHD traits. Perhaps a chat with a healthcare provider could be enlightening if you’re curious!
  • 21-30 Points: You may have some ADHD tendencies. It might be worth exploring further if you feel it impacts your daily life.
  • 31-40 Points: Sounds like you might have a case of ADHD superpowers! Consider seeking a healthcare provider for further insight.
  • 41-50 Points: You definitely exhibit several traits associated with ADHD. It could be beneficial to talk to a healthcare provider about your experiences and options.
  • 51-60 Points: You’ve scored high on the ADHD scale! It’s advisable to reach out to a healthcare provider for a comprehensive evaluation and support tailored to your needs.

Final Note: Remember, this test is just a fun indicator and not a substitute for professional advice. Many creative geniuses throughout history have had ADHD, showcasing how diverse and exceptional minds can be! If you think ADHD is part of your journey, consider reaching out to a professional for support.

***Please be advised that the information and tips provided are intended to support your wellness journey. However, we are not licensed healthcare professionals. We strongly recommend consulting with a qualified healthcare provider before making any changes to your health or wellness routine. Your health is a personal matter, and while we aim to offer guidance, we do not diagnose or provide medical treatment.***


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