Andrew Mills
Clever Fox
So today I got up on time, made my bed (this is a big deal for me!) and had breakfast and walked to the office. I got there on time. I need to try and do that more regularly but wanted to thank you all for the information and advice which I have implemented!
Noreen, staceydhd and FoxView more comments-
Organised OwlFounder
That’s fantastic! Small wins like this add up to big changes over time. Well done for putting the advice into action, and for recognising your progress! Keep going, and we’re all here to cheer you on!
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Clever FoxNovice Nettle
I know this feeling!
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Clever Fox
Clever Fox
Clever Fox
Andrew Mills earned 1 Ranking Point 7 hours ago
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Andrew Mills became a registered member 7 hours ago
Clever Fox